Nathanael enjoys investing in real estate. Here is a photographic overview of his very first property renovation project - a residential house in Christchurch's Riccarton suburb. You may or may not be impressed!...
The very first property, in all its glory! 121b Elizabeth Street, Riccarton, Christchurch
Nathanael and his sister Naomi pose for a photo before the hard work begins...
Enter if you dare...
Horrible old kitchen
Go, Nathanael! Get rid of those lousy old cupboards...
Being destructive can be fun!
The orignal lounge / living room
That old Art-Deco fireplace can't stay!
Down with the chimney...
Piano tuner and renovator Paul Howes removes the chimney brick by brick
Finally - the fireplace is gone and a new opening connects the kitchen with the living room
Nathanael's brother Stephen lends a hand with sanding back the varnished doors and architraves
Oops - once the old kitchen sink unit is removed, an unpleasant surprise unfolds - rotten floors and a vile-smelling underfloor swamp!
The bog is shovelled out and fresh topsoil placed on top
The renovation continues...
Something's getting to Nathanael's head - is it the paint fumes, or that hideous colour?
Being an artist comes in handy when renovating - Nathanael mixes the exact colour in oil paints to touch up damaged surfaces in the bathroom
Naomi cleans up after painting
How's that for a basic but brand new kitchen?
The beautiful wooden floors are sanded and re-polished
The completed hallway
The completed hallway
New door knobs and handles are installed throughout...
The completed bathroom
The main bedroom completed
The new kitchen
Nathanael in the kitchen - who would have thought...
You're supposed to paint the windows, not ON the windows!!
Santa would be proud of you...
| would ever want to hire you
The Pukeko mascot
Just planting a simple garden tub can be a big ask for some!
The new exterior look - view no. 1
The new exterior look, view no. 2
Nathanael planted a row of colourful Arctotis dasies
A vastly-improved 121B Elizabeth Street
Nathanael & Naomi celebrate the completion of their first renovation with a pyrotechnics display - using bricks from the dismantled chimney
This 'event' took place on their parents' property - fortunately it almost coincided with Guy Fawkes night!